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ouvrage – Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean

Etiquette(s) : ouvrages

Thumbnail imageThomas Saucède et Bruno David (également éditeur) sont les contributeurs de l’ouvrage collectif Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean.

Biogeographic information is of fundamental importance for discovering marine biodiversity hotspots, detecting and understanding impacts of environmental changes, predicting future distributions, monitoring biodiversity, or supporting conservation and sustainable management strategies.

The recent extensive exploration and assessment of biodiversity by the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML), and the intense compilation and validation efforts of Southern Ocean biogeographic data by the SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network (SCAR-MarBIN / OBIS) provided a unique opportunity to assess and synthesise the current knowledge on Southern Ocean biogeography.

The scope of the Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean is to present a concise synopsis of the present state of knowledge of the distributional patterns of the major benthic and pelagic taxa and of the key communities, in the light of biotic and abiotic factors operating within an evolutionary framework. Each chapter has been written by the most pertinent experts in their field, relying on vastly improved occurrence datasets from recent decades, as well as on new insights provided by molecular and phylogeographic approaches, and new methods of analysis, visualisation, modelling and prediction of biogeographic distributions.

A dynamic online version of the Biogeographic Atlas will be hosted on www.biodiversity.aq.


Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean
Claude De Broyer & Philippe Koubbi (chief editors)
512 pages, 800 cartes
SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network, 2014
ISBN 978-0-948277-28-3


Pour plus d’informations :
dossier de presse


Thumbnail imageThomas Saucède et Bruno David (également éditeur) sont les contributeurs de l'ouvrage collectif Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean.

Biogeographic information is of fundamental importance for discovering marine biodiversity hotspots, detecting and understanding impacts of environmental changes, predicting future distributions, monitoring biodiversity, or supporting conservation and sustainable management strategies.

The recent extensive exploration and assessment of biodiversity by the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML), and the intense compilation and validation efforts of Southern Ocean biogeographic data by the SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network (SCAR-MarBIN / OBIS) provided a unique opportunity to assess and synthesise the current knowledge on Southern Ocean biogeography.

The scope of the Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean is to present a concise synopsis of the present state of knowledge of the distributional patterns of the major benthic and pelagic taxa and of the key communities, in the light of biotic and abiotic factors operating within an evolutionary framework. Each chapter has been written by the most pertinent experts in their field, relying on vastly improved occurrence datasets from recent decades, as well as on new insights provided by molecular and phylogeographic approaches, and new methods of analysis, visualisation, modelling and prediction of biogeographic distributions.

A dynamic online version of the Biogeographic Atlas will be hosted on www.biodiversity.aq.


Biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean
Claude De Broyer & Philippe Koubbi (chief editors)
512 pages, 800 cartes
SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network, 2014
ISBN 978-0-948277-28-3


Pour plus d'informations :
dossier de presse

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