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publications 2015

Amoussou E., Totin Vodounon H.S., Houessou S., Tramblay Y., Camberlin P., Houndenou C., Boko M., Gil M. & Paturel J.-E. 2015. Application d’un modèle conceptuel à l’analyse de la dynamique hydrométéorologique des crues dans un bassin-versant en milieu tropical humide : cas du fleuve Mono. In: Modélisations & Variabilités (Eds: M. Erpicum), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 17-23 – Actes du colloque : “28ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie“, Liège (Belgique), 2015. [hal-01300493]

Babin A., Saciat C., Teixeira M., Troussard J.-P., Motreuil S., Moreau J. & Moret Y. 2015. Limiting immunopathology: interaction between carotenoids and enzymatic antioxidant defences. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 49, (2) : 278-281. [hal-01100356]

Bauer A. & Rigaud T. 2015. Identifying a key host in an acanthocephalan-amphipod system. Parasitology, 142, (13) : 1588-1594. [hal-01228717]

Beaune D. 2015. What would happen to the trees and lianas if apes disappeared? Oryx, 49, (3) : 442-446. [hal-01171456]

Beaune D., Bretagnolle F., Bollache L., Hohmann G. & Fruth B. 2015. Can fruiting plants control animal behaviour and seed dispersal distance? Behaviour, 152, (3-4) : 359-374. [hal-01116445]

Béguinot J. 2015. Analyse de l’origine des fortes variations d’impact de Tischeria ekebladella, micro-lépidoptère minant les feuilles de Chêne, commun en Bourgogne. Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Nature, 21 : 73-80. [hal-01160513]

Béguinot J. 2015. Extrapolation of the species accumulation curve for incomplete species samplings: a new nonparametric approach to estimate the degree of sample completeness and decide when to stop sampling. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 8, (5) : 1-9. [hal-01238720]

Béguinot J. 2015. Quantitative aspects of egg-laying behaviour contribute to the eruptive success of Cameraria ohridella parasiting horse-chestnuts. Journal of Biology and Nature, 2, (3) : 106-110. [hal-01169253]

Béguinot J. 2015. When reasonably stop sampling? How to estimate the gain in newly recorded species according to the degree of supplementary sampling effort. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 7, (5) : 300-308. [hal-01228695]

Biard C., Monceau K., Motreuil S. & Moreau J. 2015. Interpreting immunological indices: the importance of taking parasite community into account. An example in blackbirds Turdus merula. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, (8) : 960-972. [hal-01184746]

Bichet C., Moodley Y., Penn D.J., Sorci G. & Garnier S. 2015. Genetic structure in insular and mainland populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and their hemosporidian parasites. Ecology and Evolution, 5, (8) : 1639-1652. [hal-01150525]

Bitome Essono P.Y., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X., Mavoungou J., Obiang Mba R., Duvallet G. & Bretagnolle F. 2015. Distribution and abundance of hematophagous flies (Glossinidae, Stomoxys, and Tabanidae) in two national parks of Gabon. Parasite, 22 : 23. [hal-01184652]

Bonnot A., Boursicot P.-Y. & Ferchaud P. 2015. Les genres Subgrossouvria Spath et Orionoides Spath (Ammonitina, Perisphinctidae) de l’horizon à Leckenbyi (Callovien supérieur, zone à Athleta) de Montreuil-Bellay (Maine-et-Loire, France). Carnets de Géologie, 14, (17) : 351-399. [hal-01150509]

Boyard-Micheau J. & Camberlin P. 2015. Reconstitution de séries de pluies quotidiennes en Afrique de l’Est : application aux caractéristiques des saisons des pluies. Climatologie, 12 : 83-105. [hal-01309543]

Brayard A. & Bucher H. 2015. Permian-Triassic extinctions and rediversifications. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, Springer Netherlands, 44 : 465-473. [hal-01186051]

Brayard A., Escarguel G., Monnet C., Jenks J.F. & Bucher H. 2015. Biogeography of Triassic ammonoids. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, Springer Netherlands, 44 : 163-187. [hal-01186042]

Brayard A., Meier M., Escarguel G., Fara E., Nützel A., Olivier N., Bylund K.G., Jenks J.F., Stephen D.A., Hautmann M., Vennin E. & Bucher H. 2015. Early Triassic Gulliver gastropods: spatio-temporal distribution and significance for biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction. Earth-Science Reviews, 146 : 31-64. [hal-01141883]

Brillante L., Mathieu O., Bois B., van Leeuwen C. & Lévêque J. 2015. The use of soil electrical resistivity to monitor plant and soil water relationships in vineyards. Soil, 1, (1) : 273-286. [hal-01132336]

Brulebois E., Castel T., Richard Y., Chateau-Smith C. & Amiotte-Suchet P. 2015. Hydrological response to an abrupt shift in surface air temperature over France in 1987/88. Journal of Hydrology, 531, (3) : 892-901. [hal-01242283]

Bundeleva I.A., Shirokova L.S., Kompantseva E.I., Bénézeth P., Ménez B., Marin F. & Pokrovsky O.S. 2015. Experimental modeling of bacterially-induced Ca carbonate precipitation: new insights on possible mechanisms. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 21-39. [hal-01194503]

Calandra I., Labonne G., Mathieu O., Henttonen H., Lévêque J., Milloux M.-J., Renvoisé E., Montuire S. & Navarro N. 2015. Isotopic partitioning by small mammals in the subnivium. Ecology and Evolution, 5, (18) : 4132-4140. [hal-01208534]

Carlut J., Isambert A., Bouquerel H., Pecoits E., Philippot P., Vennin E., Ader M., Thomazo C., Buoncristiani J.-F., Baton F., Muller É. & Deldicque D. 2015. Low temperature magnetic properties of the Late Archean Boolgeeda iron formation (Hamersley Group, Western Australia): environmental implications. Frontiers in Earth Science, 3 : 18. [insu-02178937]

Chantepie S., Robert A., Sorci G., Hingrat Y., Charmantier A., Leveque G., Lacroix F. & Teplitsky C. 2015. Quantitative genetics of the aging of reproductive traits in the houbara bustard. PLoS ONE, 10, (7) : e0133140. [hal-01231392]

Collard M., De Ridder C., David B., Dehairs F. & Dubois P. 2015. Could the acid-base status of Antarctic sea urchins indicate a better-than-expected resilience to near-future ocean acidification? Global Change Biology, 21, (2) : 605-617. [hal-01111668]

Collin P.-Y., Kershaw S., Tribovillard N., Forel M.-B. & Crasquin S. 2015. Geochemistry of post-extinction microbialites as a powerful tool to assess the oxygenation of shallow marine water in the immediate aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 104, (4) : 1025-1037. [hal-01160542]

Cornuault J., Khimoun A., Cuneo P. & Besnard G. 2015. Spatial segregation and realized niche shift during the parallel invasion of two olive subspecies in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Biogeography, 42, (10) : 1930-1941. [hal-01198598]

Costantini D., Goutte A., Barbraud C., Faivre B., Sorci G., Weimerskirch H., Delord K. & Chastel O. 2015. Demographic responses to oxidative stress and inflammation in the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). PLoS ONE, 10, (8) : e0133967. [hal-01184668]

Crétat J., Pohl B., Chateau Smith C., Vigaud N. & Richard Y. 2015. An original way to evaluate daily rainfall variability simulated by a regional climate model: the case of South African austral summer rainfall. International Journal of Climatology, 35, (9) : 2485-2502. [hal-01178178]

De Lapparent B., Roux J., Richard Y., Pohl B., Bientz S., Codet-Hache O., Dumaitre F., Toussaint H., Tissot A.-C., Thévenin D. & Thévenin T. 2015. Mesures de la température et spatialisation de l’Ilot de Chaleur Urbain à Dijon. In: Modélisations & Variabilités (Eds: M. Erpicum), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 257-262 – Actes du colloque : “28ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie“, Liège (Belgique), 2015. [hal-01300584]

De Pina Tavares J., Baptista I., Ferreira A.J.D., Amiotte-Suchet P., Coelho C., Gomes S., Amoros R., Dos Reis E.A., Mendes A.F., Costa L., Bentub J. & Varela L. 2015. Assessment and mapping the sensitive areas to desertification in an insular Sahelian mountain region Case study of the Ribeira Seca Watershed, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde. Catena, 128 : 214-223. [hal-01129008]

Dera G., Prunier J., Smith P.L., Haggart J.W., Popov E., Guzhov A., Rogov M., Delsate D., Thies D., Cuny G., Pucéat E., Charbonnier G. & Bayon G. 2015. Nd isotope constraints on ocean circulation, paleoclimate, and continental drainage during the Jurassic breakup of Pangea. Gondwana Research, 27, (4) : 1599-1615. [hal-01150571]

Destrez A., Grimm P., Cézilly F. & Julliand V. 2015. Changes of the hindgut microbiota due to high-starch diet can be associated with behavioral stress response in horses. Physiology & Behavior, 149 : 159-164. [hal-01163402]

Dieppois B., Durand A., Fournier M., Diedhiou A., Fontaine B., Massei N., Nouaceur Z. & Sebag D. 2015. Low-frequency variability and zonal contrast in Sahel rainfall and Atlantic sea surface temperature teleconnections during the last century. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 121, (1) : 139-155. [hal-01228760]

Dommergues J.-L. 2015. Un nouveau genre et une nouvelle espèce d’ammonite micromorphe dans le Sinémurien de l’Est de la France (Côte-d’Or). Revue de Paléobiologie, 34, (1) : 151-160. [hal-01184751]

Dubuffet A., Zanchi C., Boutet G., Moreau J., Teixeira M. & Moret Y. 2015. Trans-generational immune priming protects the eggs only against gram-positive bacteria in the mealworm beetle. PLoS Pathogens, 11, (10) : e1005178. [hal-01588049]

Eraud C., Cadet E., Powolny T., Gaba S., Bretagnolle F. & Bretagnolle V. 2015. Weed seeds, not grain, contribute to the diet of wintering skylarks in arable farmlands of Western France. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 61, (1) : 151-161. [hal-01119050]

Frølich S., Sørensen H.O., Hakim S.S., Marin F., Stipp S.L.S. & Birkedal H. 2015. Smaller calcite lattice deformation caused by occluded organic material in coccoliths than in mollusk shell. Crystal Growth & Design, 15 : 2761-2767. [hal-01163392]

Gado Djibo A., Karambiri H., Seidou O., Sittichok K., Philippon N., Paturel J.-E. & Saley H.M. 2015. Linear and non-linear approaches for statistical seasonal rainfall forecast in the Sirba watershed region (SAHEL). Climate, 3, (3) : 727-752. [hal-03358773]

Galipaud M., Bollache L., Oughadou A. & Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X. 2015. Males do not always switch females when presented with a better reproductive option. Behavioral Ecology, 26, (2) : 359-366. [hal-01136636]

Galipaud M., Bollache L., Wattier R.A., Dubreuil C., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X. & Lagrue C. 2015. Overestimation of the strength of size-assortative pairing in taxa with cryptic diversity: a case of Simpson’s paradox. Animal Behaviour, 102 : 217-221. [hal-01121196]

Galipaud M., Gauthey Z., Turlin J., Bollache L. & Lagrue C. 2015. Mate choice and male-male competition among morphologically cryptic but genetically divergent amphipod lineages. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69, (12) : 1907-1916. [hal-01242218]

Gatto R., Monari S., Neige P., Pinard J.-D. & Weis R. 2015. Gastropods from upper Pliensbachian-Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) sediments of Causses Basin, southern France and their recovery after the early Toarcian anoxic event. Geological Magazine, 152, (5) : 871-901. [hal-01185845]

Gitau W., Camberlin P., Ogallo L. & Okoola R. 2015. Oceanic and atmospheric linkages with short rainfall season intraseasonal statistics over Equatorial Eastern Africa and their predictive potential. International Journal of Climatology, 35, (9) : 2382-2399. [hal-01178201]

Gontharet S., Artigas L.F., Mathieu O., Lévêque J., Milloux M.-J., Caillaud J., Philippe S., Lesourd S. & Gardel A. 2015. Effect of emersion/immersion cycles on the elemental and isotopic compositions of the organic matter from surface sediments of an intertidal mud bank (French Guiana): a preliminary study. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 29, (22) : 2147-2157. [hal-01228771]

Guigue J., Lévêque J., Mathieu O., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Lucio M., Arrouays D., Jolivet C., Dequiedt S., Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré N. & Ranjard L. 2015. Water-extractable organic matter linked to soil physico-chemistry and microbiology at the regional scale. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 84 : 158-167. [hal-01132011]

Guillon H., Mugnier J.-L., Buoncristiani J.-F., Carcaillet J., Godon C., Prud’homme C., van der Beek P. & Vassallo R. 2015. Improved discrimination of subglacial and periglacial erosion using 10Be concentration measurements in subglacial and supraglacial sediment load of the Bossons glacier (Mont Blanc massif, France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, (9) : 1202-1215. [hal-01178219]

Hansen J., Ek M., Roslin T., Moreau J., Teixeira M., Gilg O. & Schmidt N.M. 2015. First observation of a four-egg clutch of long-tailed jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 127, (1) : 149-153. [hal-01133941]

Hovden R., Wolf S.E., Holtz M.E., Marin F., Muller D.A. & Estroff L.A. 2015. Nanoscale assembly processes revealed in the nacroprismatic transition zone of Pinna nobilis mollusc shells. Nature Communications, 6 : 10097. [hal-01242244]

Huber B., Whibley A., Le Poul Y., Navarro N., Martin A., Baxter S., Shah A., Gilles B., Wirth T., McMillan W.O. & Joron M. 2015. Conservatism and novelty in the genetic architecture of adaptation in Heliconius butterflies. Heredity, 114 : 515-524. [hal-01145612]

Immel F. & Marin F. 2015. Data mining approaches to identify biomineralization related sequences. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 191-214. [hal-01194591]

Immel F., Gaspard D., Marie A., Guichard N., Cusack M. & Marin F. 2015. Shell proteome of rhynchonelliform brachiopods. Journal of Structural Biology, 190, (3) : 360-366. [hal-01158150]

Jattiot R., Brayard A., Fara E. & Charbonnier S. 2015. Gladius-bearing coleoids from the Upper Cretaceous Lebanese Lagerstätten: diversity, morphology, and phylogenetic implications. Journal of Paleontology, 89, (1) : 1-20. [hal-01118718]

Jenks J.F., Monnet C., Balini M., Brayard A. & Meier M. 2015. Biostratigraphy of Triassic ammonoids. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, Springer Netherlands, 44 : 329-388. [hal-01186049]

Jiménez-Sánchez A., Vennin E. & Villas E. 2015. Trepostomate bryozoans from the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Morocco: gigantism in high latitude Gondwana platforms. Journal of Paleontology, 89, (2) : 195-221. [hal-01165666]

Jiménez-Sánchez A., Villas E. & Vennin E. 2015. New trepostomate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician of Morocco and the temperature influence on zooid size. Journal of Paleontology, 89, (3) : 385-404. [hal-01231815]

Joly D., Castel T., Pohl B. & Richard Y. 2015. Résolution spatiale des MNT et qualité de l’estimation des températures et des précipitations en France. In: Modélisations & Variabilités (Eds: M. Erpicum), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 49-54 – Actes du colloque : “28ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie“, Liège (Belgique), 2015. [hal-01300511]

Jossart Q., Geyer L.B. & Lessios H.A. 2015. Characterization of eight microsatellite loci for the sea urchin Meoma ventricosa (Spatangoida, Brissidae) through Next Generation Sequencing. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 59 : 100-103. [hal-01114267]

Kanold J.M., Guichard N., Immel F., Plasseraud L., Corneillat M., Alcaraz G., Brümmer F. & Marin F. 2015. Spine and test skeletal matrices of the Mediterranean sea urchin Arbacia lixula – a comparative characterization of their sugar signature. FEBS Journal, 282, (10) : 1891-1905. [hal-01154626]

Kanold J.M., Immel F., Broussard C., Guichard N., Plasseraud L., Corneillat M., Alcaraz G., Brümmer F. & Marin F. 2015. The test skeletal matrix of the black sea urchin Arbacia lixula. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics, 13 : 24-34. [hal-01108760]

Kanold J.M., Immel F., Marie A., Plasseraud L., Alcaraz G., Brümmer F. & Marin F. 2015. Characterization of the teeth skeletal matrix from Arbacia lixula. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 168-182. [hal-01194545]

Kanold J.M., Lemloh M.-L., Schwendt P., Burghard Z., Baier J., Herbst F., Bill J., Marin F. & Brümmer F. 2015. In vivo enrichment of magnesium ions modifies sea urchin spicule properties. Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, 4, (2) : 111-120. [hal-01154673]

Kintché K., Guibert H., Sogbedji J.M., Lévêque J., Bonfoh B. & Tittonell P. 2015. Long-term mineral fertiliser use and maize residue incorporation do not compensate for carbon and nutrient losses from a Ferralsol under continuous maize-cotton cropping. Field Crops Research, 184 : 192-200. [hal-01246379]

Labaude S., Cézilly F., Tercier X. & Rigaud T. 2015. Influence of host nutritional condition on post-infection traits in the association between the manipulative acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis and the amphipod Gammarus pulex. Parasites & Vectors, 8, (1) : 403. [hal-01184675]

Labaude S., Rigaud T. & Cézilly F. 2015. Host manipulation in the face of environmental changes: ecological consequences. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, 4, (3) : 442-451. [hal-01246519]

Le Roy N., Jackson D.J., Marie B., Ramos-Silva P. & Marin F. 2015. Carbonic anhydrase and metazoan biocalcification: a focus on molluscs. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 151-157. [hal-01194531]

Louâpre P., Fauvergue X., van Baaren J. & Martel V. 2015. The male mate search: an optimal foraging issue? Current Opinion in Insect Science, 9 : 91-95. [hal-01205879]

Maga A.M., Navarro N., Cunningham M.L. & Cox T.C. 2015. Quantitative trait loci affecting the 3D skull shape and size in mouse and prioritization of candidate genes in-silico. Frontiers in Physiology, 6 : 92. [hal-01136652]

Marie B., Arivalagan J., Dubost L., Berland S., Marie A. & Marin F. 2015. Unveiling the evolution of bivalve nacre proteins by shell proteomics of Unionoidae. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 158-167. [hal-01194537]

Marin F., Immel F., Trinkler N. & Gaspard D. 2015. Staining SDS-PAGE gels of skeletal matrices after western blot: a way to improve their sharpness. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 215-221. [hal-01194635]

Marin F., Medakovic D. & Brümmer F. 2015. Biomineralix (COST action TD0903), 2009-2014: an overview. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : 1-20. [hal-01194711]

Marin F., Šiller L., Brümmer F., Lesci I.G., Checa A. & Furtos G. 2015. Preface. In: Biomineralization: from fundamentals to biomaterials & environmental issues (Eds: F. Marin, F. Brümmer, A. Checa, G. Furtos, I.G. Lesci & L. Šiller), Key Engineering Materials, 672, Trans Tech Publications Ltd : v-vii. [hal-01194494]

Marteau R., Richard Y., Pohl B., Chateau Smith C. & Castel T. 2015. High-resolution rainfall variability simulated by the WRF RCM: application to eastern France. Climate Dynamics, 44, (3-4) : 1093-1107. [hal-01112751]

Martinez M., Deconinck J.-F., Pellenard P., Riquier L., Company M., Reboulet S. & Moiroud M. 2015. Astrochronology of the Valanginian-Hauterivian stages (Early Cretaceous): chronological relationships between the Paraná-Etendeka large igneous province and the Weissert and the Faraoni events. Global and Planetary Change, 131 : 158-173. [hal-01163381]

Martiny N., Roucou P., Pohl B., Camberlin P. & Chiapello I. 2015. Définition d’un événement de poussières désertiques au Sahel : apport de nouvelles mesures de PM10 au Burkina Faso. In: Modélisations & Variabilités (Eds: M. Erpicum), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 194-199 – Actes du colloque : “28ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie“, Liège (Belgique), 2015. [hal-01300548]

Masters J.C. & Couette S. 2015. Characterizing cryptic species: a morphometric analysis of craniodental characters in the dwarf galago genus Galagoides. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158, (2) : 288-299. [hal-01197465]

Maureille B., Holliday T., Royer A., Pelletier M., Madelaine S., Lacrampe-Cuyaubère F., Muth X., Le Gueut E., Couture-Veschambre C., Gómez-Olivencia A., Discamps E., Texier J.-P., Turq A. & Lahaye C. 2015. Importance des données de terrain pour la compréhension d’un potentiel dépôt funéraire moustérien : le cas du squelette de Regourdou 1 (Montignac-sur-Vézère, Dordogne, France). Paléo, 26 : 139-159. [hal-01274002]

Mazué G.P.F., Dechaume-Moncharmont F.-X. & Godin J.-G.J. 2015. Boldness-exploration behavioral syndrome: interfamily variability and repeatability of personality traits in the young of the convict cichlid (Amatitlania siquia). Behavioral Ecology, 26, (3) : 900-908. [hal-01154612]

Monceau K. 2015. The next meeting for animal personality: population genetics. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 27, (4) : 428-435. [hal-01253117]

Monceau K., Moreau J., Poidatz J., Bonnard O. & Thiéry D. 2015. Behavioral syndrome in a native and an invasive hymenoptera species. Insect Science, 22, (4) : 541-548. [hal-01184659]

Monerie P.-A. & Roucou P. 2015. Impact du changement climatique sur les pluies de mousson d’Afrique de l’Ouest entre juin et octobre. In: Modélisations & Variabilités (Eds: M. Erpicum), Association Internationale de Climatologie : 561-566 – Actes du colloque : “28ème Colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie“, Liège (Belgique), 2015. [hal-01300692]

Monnet C., Brayard A. & Brosse M. 2015. Evolutionary trends of Triassic ammonoids. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, Springer Netherlands, 44 : 25-50. [hal-01185853]

Monnet C., Brayard A. & Bucher H. 2015. Ammonoids and quantitative biochronology – A unitary association perspective. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, Springer Netherlands, 44 : 277-298. [hal-01186045]

Moron V., Boyard-Micheau J., Camberlin P., Hernandez V., Leclerc C., Mwongera C., Philippon N., Fossa Riglos F. & Sultan B. 2015. Ethnographic context and spatial coherence of climate indicators for farming communities – A multi-regional comparative assessment. Climate Risk Management, 8 : 28-46. [hal-01165680]

Motsch P., Le Flohic G., Dilger C., Delahaye A., Chateau-Smith C. & Couette S. 2015. Degree of terrestrial activity of the elusive sun-tailed monkey (Cercopithecus solatus) in Gabon: comparative study of behavior and postcranial morphometric data. American Journal of Primatology, 77, (10) : 1060-1074. [hal-01208507]

Muller K., Thiéry D., Moret Y. & Moreau J. 2015. Male larval nutrition affects adult reproductive success in wild European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69, (1) : 39-47. [hal-01111579]

Muller K., Vogelweith F., Thiéry D., Moret Y. & Moreau J. 2015. Immune benefits from alternative host plants could maintain polyphagy in a phytophagous insect. Oecologia, 177, (2) : 467-475. [hal-01111636]

Neige P. & Rouget I. 2015. Evolutionary trends within Jurassic ammonoids. In: Ammonoid Paleobiology: From macroevolution to paleogeography (Eds: C. Klug, D. Korn, K. De Baets, I. Kruta & R.H. Mapes). Topics in Geobiology, vol 44, Springer Netherlands : 51-66. [hal-01185856]

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