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Royer Aurélien

Équipe biome
Bureau : 309, 3e étage, corps central
Téléphone : 63 80
E-mail : aurelien.royer@u-bourgogne.fr

Aurélien ROYER

CNRS researcher @ UMR6282 Biogéosciences (Dijon, France)

Speciality: Archaeology, Prehistory, small mammals, stable isotopic analyses

Coordinator of La Balutie (Dordogne, France) excavations: Mousterian site

Member of scientif team of archaeological excavations of: Combe Grenal, Moustier, La Peyzie, Malaurie, La Borie del Rey, Jonzac, Olha, Gatzarria, La Peyzie IV, Les Jonquilles, Igue du Gral, etc

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aurelien-Royer

Github links: https://github.com/AurelienRoyer


Recent work :

1.- 2023: Royer, A., Discamps E., Plutniak, S., Thomas, M. (2023). SEAHORS: Spatial Exploration of ArcHaeological Objects in R Shiny. Peer Community Journal, 3.


Github links to download the R package: https://github.com/AurelienRoyer/SEAHORS

also available on the R cran

2.- 2023: Discamps, E., Thomas, M., Dancette, C., Gravina, B., Plutniak, S., Royer, A., Angelin, A., Bachellerie, F., Beauval, C., Bordes, J.-G., Deschamps, M., Ducasse, S., Langlais, M., Laroulandie, V., Mallye, J.-B., Michel, A., Perrin, T., & Rendu, W. (2023). Breaking free from field layers: the interest of Post-Excavation Stratigraphies (PES) for producing reliable archaeological interpretations and increasing chronological resolution.Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2023, vol. 6, no 1, p. 29.

3.- 2023 : Arbez L., Hadravová T., Royer A., Montuire S., Horáček I. (2023). The wood lemming and the development of taiga in Late Pleistocene Central Europe. Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 303, 107974, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.107974  

4. -2023: Baca M., Popović D., Agadzhanyan, Alexander; Baca, Katarzyna, Conard N., Fewlass H., Filek T., Golubiński M., Horáček I., Knul M.V., Krajcarz M., Krokhaleva M., Lebreton L., Lemanik A., Maul L.C., Nagel D., Noiret P., Primault, J., Rekovets L., Rhodes S., Royer A., Serdyuk N.V, Soressi, M., Stewart, J., Strukova, T., Talamo, S., Wilczyński, J., Nadachowski, A. (2023). Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals. Proc. R. Soc. B.290 : 202222382.0222238 http://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2022.2238

5. -2023: Baca M., Popović D., Lemanik A., Bañuls‐Cardona S., Conard N., Cuenca‐Bescós G., Desclaux E., Fewlass H., Garcia J.T., Heckel G., Horáček I., Knul. M.V., Lebreton L., López-García J.M., Luzi E., Markovic Z., Mauch Lenardić J., Murelaga X., Petculescu A., Popov V., Putalova T., Rhodes S.E., Ridush B., Royer A., Stewart J.R., Stojak J., Talamo S., Wang X., Wójcik J.M., Nadachowski A. (2023). Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a main driver of the temperate common vole (Microtus arvalis) population dynamics during the Last Glacial Period. Journal of Biogeography 50(1), 183-196. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14521 

6.-2022 : Royer A., Bruxelles L., Capdepon E., Discamps E., Faivre J.-Ph., Guérin G., Holliday T., Lacrampe-Cuyaubère F., Lahaye C., Lejay M., Le Gueut E., Maureille B., Michel A., Muth X., Sirieix C., Texier J.-P, White R. (2022). L’histoire de La Balutie, un gisement oublié, voisin de Lascaux et de Regourdou. PALEO 32, 164-192. 

7. -2022 : Fernández García M., López García J.M., Royer A., Lécuyer C., Rivals F., Rufà A., Blasco R., Rosell J. (2022). New insights in Neanderthal paleoecology, using stable oxygen isotopes preserved on small mammals as paleoclimatic tracers in Teixoneres Cave (Moià, northeastern Iberia). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14,106. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01564-9  

8. -2021 : Arbez L., Royer A., Therrien J.F., Montuire S. (2022). Another mention of Meadow Vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) found in pellets of Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) in northern Ungava Peninsula, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 135(4), 329-336. https://doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v135i4.2719 

9. –2021 : Royer A., Mallye J.-B., Pelletier M., Griselin S. (2021). Who Killed the Small Mammals of Ittenheim (Northeastern France) ? An Integrative Approach and New Taphonomic Data for Investigating Bone Assemblages Accumulated by Small Carnivores. Quaternary, 4, 41. https://doi.org/10.3390/quat4040041  

10. – 2021 : Ungar P., Saylor L., Sokolov A., Sokolova N., Gilg O., Montuire S., Royer A. (2021). Incisor microwear of Arctic rodents as a proxy for microhabitat preference. Mammalian biology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42991-021-00138-x 

11. – 2021 : Royer A., Laroulandie V. Bailon S., Boudadi-Maligne M., Costamagno S., Danger M., Mallye J.B., Rofes J. (2021). Chapitre 3. Des restes de faune aux paléoenvironnements de Peyrazet,  In : Langlais M. and V. Laroulandie (dir.). La Grotte-abri de Peyrazet (Creysse, Lot, France) au Magdalénien : Originalité fonctionnelle d’un habitat des derniers chasseurs de rennes du Quercy, cnrs, Supplément à Gallia Préhistoire 43, pp.35-48. 

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