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Seminar 29 may 2024

Investigating nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry in hydrothermal vents and its implications for early life

Eva Stueeken, University of St. Andrews, UK

Wednesday 29 may 2024, 11 PM


Hydrothermal vents have long been proposed as cradles of life on Earth and other planets due to their ability to catalyze organic synthesis reactions and provide thermochemical gradients for energy generation. Supplies of nitrogen and phosphorus – two major bioessential nutrients – are implicated in these models, although their behavior in hydrothermal systems is not yet well studied. Here, I will summarize recent studies and present new data that shed light on the speciation and mobility of nitrogen and phosphorus in hydrothermal systems. In particular, new experiments and models show that phosphorus can undergo reduction from phosphate to phosphite, which is known to be more soluble and reactive towards organic matter, but the yields of this reaction are highest under a narrow range of conditions. In the case of nitrogen, we see evidence of hydrothermal ammonium recycling in modern and ancient systems. Experiments are ongoing to explore potential abiotic contribution to the ammonium cycle. In the future, these results may help narrow down the parameter space for an independent origin of life in hydrothermal settings.


Investigating nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry in hydrothermal vents and its implications for early life

Eva Stueeken, University of St. Andrews, UK

Wednesday 29 may 2024, 11 PM


Hydrothermal vents have long been proposed as cradles of life on Earth and other planets due to their ability to catalyze organic synthesis reactions and provide thermochemical gradients for energy generation. Supplies of nitrogen and phosphorus – two major bioessential nutrients – are implicated in these models, although their behavior in hydrothermal systems is not yet well studied. Here, I will summarize recent studies and present new data that shed light on the speciation and mobility of nitrogen and phosphorus in hydrothermal systems. In particular, new experiments and models show that phosphorus can undergo reduction from phosphate to phosphite, which is known to be more soluble and reactive towards organic matter, but the yields of this reaction are highest under a narrow range of conditions. In the case of nitrogen, we see evidence of hydrothermal ammonium recycling in modern and ancient systems. Experiments are ongoing to explore potential abiotic contribution to the ammonium cycle. In the future, these results may help narrow down the parameter space for an independent origin of life in hydrothermal settings.

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