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Vennin Emmanuelle

prof uB HDR
Research group: seds
Office: 301, 3rd floor, south wing
Telephone: 63 62
E-mail: emmanuelle.vennin@u-bourgogne.fr

Bourgogne University

UFR Sciences Vie, terre et Environnement – Dept ETEC

UMR 5561 Biogéosciences

6, Bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon – France

Tél : +33 380-39-63-62 Fax : +33 380-39-63-87

Email : emmanuelle.vennin@u-bourgogne.fr


– PHD, Lille-Pau, 1996

– HDR, Lille, 2005 Post-doctoral Researcher, ELF Production-Exploration

– Associate Professor, “Museum National Histoire Naturelle”, Laboratory UMR 5143, – CNRS, Paris (1998-2005)

– Professor, University of “Bourgogne”, Laboratory Biogeosciences, UMR, Dijon (since September 2005)

Professional Affiliations

Responsable Master 2 : Géobiosphère (2006-2010)

Joined direction of UFR Sciences de la Terre (directeur JF Deconinck, 2007-2009)

Membre of UMR Biogeosciences council (since 2007)

Membre of the recruitment commission (since 2008)

Membre de International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)

National Correspondent of the IAS for France : since 2015

Responsable Team SEDS in the Biogeosciences Laboratory

Vice president of Jury of the secondary education evalution and selection

Jury member of the secondary education evalution and selection


Topics: carbonate petrology, sedimentology; paleoecology; basin sedimentation, bioconstruction, microbialites, microbial mats

Main currents thematic:

– Impact of the carbonate deposits on climatic changes: example of the northern margin of Gondwana during the Late Ordovician previous to the onset of the Hirnantian glaciation.

– Ecological changes and characterization of the carbonate factory evolution through the Permo-Trias transition recorded in Iranian carbonate platforms and fracturation in Permian reef-mounds (Russia).

– Analysis of climatic changes and paleotemperature estimation during the Lower Cretaceous; relationships between calcifying organisms and climate during the Early Cretaceous: example on carbonate platform during the Valanginian and Aptian.

– Ecologic, geometric and sedimentologic changes in mixed evaporite-cabonate and siliciclastic platforms on the Neogene’s basin of south Spain.

More recently new topics are developed :

Microbially-induced mineralization is considered as one of the main natural processes controlling CO2 levels in the atmosphere and a major structural and ecological player in the modern and in the past ecosystems. The result of this process is the formation of « biological » microbial deposits. Microbialites (organo-sedimentary structure predominantly accreted by sediment trapping, binding, and/or in situ precipitation as a result of the growth and metabolic activity of microorganisms) are found throughout the geological record and are biosignatures of the early Earth and in the search for extraterrestrial life. The oldest preserved fossil stromatolites in the geological record are about 3.4 billion years old and have been found in Western Australia and Canada. In modern natural systems, biological carbonates precipitation occurs in different forms, fabrics and in different environments (saline lagons, hypersaline, alkaline lakes, freshwater rivers and lakes). The study of mechanisms of microbialite formation at different scales (km until nm) is critical for interpretation and understanding their origin and evaluation. This multi-scale approach concerns: (1) macro-scale(tectonics, climate); (2) meso-scale (hydrothermal circulation, water chemistry); (2) micro-scale (microbial – mineral interaction, mineralogy/morphology of carbonates). Two fieldworks are chosen: modern (Great Salt Lake, USA and Cuba) and ancient (Precambrian of Gabon in Africa, Trias of Utah in USA and Oligo-Miocene basin of Limagnes, France) microbialites. The results can help to answer important questions about i) carbonate formations in past (geological context) and present time (biogeochemical cycle and context of CO2 storage); ii) Preservation in the fossil record of mineralization processes.

A first detailed analysis helped to better constrain the mechanisms of formation of the microbial deposits. Microbialite is the result of mineralization and lithification of a microbial mat under the influence of a metabolic component (intrinsic) related to the activity of the microbial mat first, and environmental (extrinsic) conditions. Although the component related to the metabolic activity of microbial mat is a prerequisite for mineralization, this work focused on the environmental component and the associated controlling factors. Furthermore, the influence of extrinsic factors is often limited in the literature to changes in microbial communities. The aim of this manuscript is to replace microbial deposits in their context of formation. It allows to understand the direct implications of the extrinsic parameters on (1) the processes of mineralization of the microbial mats and formation of microbialites, (2) the morphologies of microbial structures, (3) the distribution and (4) the relationship between microbial mats and microbialite and their environment. While the mineralization potential is generally associated with the intrinsic activity of the microbial mat, the lateral and temporal variations of this potential within a same microbial mat were used to illustrate the influence of extrinsic parameters on mineralization, and therefore on the formation of microbialites. However, a significant mineralization potential does not necessarily mean microbialite formation. The preservation of the mineralization product is necessary for lithifying a microbial mat. The process of lithification is a major driver for the preservation of these microbial structures in the fossil record. Moreover, indirect evidences of microbial activity may also be retained by a geochemical signal.

PHD students:

Thèses et %

Année de soutenance

Principaux résultats


R. Bourrillot
(E. Vennin 100%)


6 colloques et 3 publications

Maître de conférence (ENSEGID)

A. Bonin
(E. Vennin 50% et E. Pucéat 50%)


5 colloques et 3 publications
(21, 3 et Vennin et al. 2007)

ATER Rennes et Ingénieur Badley-Ashton, Angleterre

M. Deville de Perière
(E. Vennin 50% et C. Durlet 50%)

Thèse industrielle

12 colloques et 1 publication

Ingénieur Badley-Ashton, Angleterre

C. Kolodka
(E. Vennin 100%)


6 colloques et 2 publications
(2, 14)

Post-Doc 18 mois- (CEREGE-TOTAL) depuis Oct 2015

A. Asghari
(E. Vennin 100%)

Thèse industrielle

3 colloques et 1 publication (17)

Ingénieur National Iranian Petroleum Company

A. Ndongo
(M. Guiraud 50% et E. Vennin 50%)

Thèse Industrielle

3 colloques et 1 publication (22)

Enseignant-chercheur Franceville, Gabon-Juin 2016

A. Bouton
(E. Vennin 50%, A. Brayard 25%, C. Thomazo 25%)

Thèse ED à venir

11 colloques et 1 publication (20)
et deux publications soumises

– soutenance 13 Mai 2016

A. Pace
(R. Bourillot 50%, P. Razin 25%, E. Vennin 25%)

Thèse ED à venir

13 colloques

– soutenance Juillet 2016

P. Perron
(M. Guiraud; E. Vennin 25%)



Industrial funding:

2010-2014 Contrat Industriel AREVA. The Palaeoproterozoic uranium ore deposits of Bangombé and Mikouloungou (Gabon) and their environment in a new sedimentological and tectonical setting. Coord. Michel Guiraud et E. Vennin (Dijon). Contrat Université de Bourgogne/CNRS/AREVA (200keuros).

2011-2014: Contrat de recherche et PHD de Afshin Asghari : Sequence stratigraphy, paleoenvironment and paleogeography of pre-Khuff series in Southern Iran (Zagros and Persian Gulf); Projet de recherche Université de Bourgogne/GDF_SUEZ (E. Vennin 365897 euros).

2010-2013 : PHD de C. Kolodka : relation de rétroaction entre la déformation des évaporites et le développement de plates-formes carbonatées. Projet de recherche Université de Bourgogne/GDF_SUEZ (E. Vennin 156k euros).

2013-2015 : Contrat de recherche ; Rôle(s) des microbialités dans le registre sédimentaire continental-marin : comparaison d’exemples actuels et anciens ». Projet de recherche Université de Bourgogne/GDF_SUEZ. Financement Bourse ED –Bourgogne, Contrat GDF-Suez : (E. Vennin 90keuros)

Avenant 2016-3mois: Contrat de recherche; Rôle(s) des microbialités dans le registre sédimentaire continental-marin : comparaison d’exemples actuels et anciens ». Projet de recherche Université de Bourgogne/GDF_SUEZ. Financement Bourse ED –Bourgogne, Contrat GDF-Suez : (E. Vennin 11keuros)

2013 : Contrat Total Angola (2013) : Les Evaporites, 1 Rapport (100 pages), (E. Vennin 10k euros)

2015 : Contrat de prestation : Relation sédimentation et circulation hydrothermale en lien avec des failles à partir de l’exemple des dépôts lacustres à stromatolites des Limagnes (Oligo-Miocène, Massif Central, France)- Contrat de prestation TOTAL-EP Université de Bourgogne (E. Vennin 9.5keuros).

Academic funding:

2011-2013 : « Impact de la production carbonatée sur les variations climatiques à l’approche de période de crises de la biodiversité des organismes calcifiants », 24mois de Post-Doctorat PARI II Post-°©‐Doc2012-°©‐9201AA0049S04869 (E. Vennin, 48k euros).

2014-16 : LABEX UnivEarthS – La vie sur la planète terre : depuis le commencement jusqu’à la dynamique actuelle (Porteur Pascal Philippot – C. Thomazo et E. Vennin (WP members) 10k Euros).

2015-2016 : INTERRVIE Etude intégrée des processus à l’origine de changements environnementaux au cours du Trias inférieur et impact sur la sédimentation et les communautés benthiques (E. Vennin 5000 euros)


Licence 1

Lecture on Sedimentary petrology

Lecture on Geodynamical aspects of the Earth

Licence 2

Lecture on History of the Earth and cartography

Licence 3

Lecture on sedimentary and biosedimentary environments

CartographyIn the field: Geotraverse (1 week) and “Georessources”

Master I (Earth Sciences and Biology)

Micropaleontology- Petroleum deposits and reservoirs

Short lecture on diagenesis (Evaporites)

Cartography and field trips

Master II

Conference on basin deposits in carbonate platforms

In the field: South Spain or France (10 days)

PUBLICATIONS (2012-2016)

1. Reynaud, J.-Y., Vennin, E., Parize, O., Rubino, J.-L., and Bourdillon, C., 2012, Incised valleys and tidal seaways; the example of the Miocene Uzes-Castillon Basin, SE France: Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, v. 183, no. 5, p. 471-486.

2. Kolodka C., Vennin E., Vachard D., Trocmé V. & Goodarzi M.H. 2012. Timing and progression of the end-Guadalupian crisis in the Fars province (Dalan Formation, Kuh-e Gakhum, Iran) constrained by foraminifers and other carbonate microfossils. Facies, 58, (1) : 131-153. [IF=1.338]

3. Bonin, A., Vennin, E., Puceat, E., Guiraud, M., Arnaud-Vanneau, A., Adatte, T., Pittet, B., and Mattioli, E., 2012, Community replacement of neritic carbonate organisms during the late Valanginian platform demise; a new record from the Provence Platform: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 365-366, p. 57-80.

4. Barbarin, N., Bonin, A., Mattioli, E., Puceat, E., Cappetta, H., Greselle, B., Pittet, B., Vennin, E., and Joachimski, M., 2012, Evidence for a complex Valanginian nannoconid decline in the Vocontian Basin (south east France): Marine Micropaleontology, v. 84-85, p. 37-53.

5. Clerc, S., Buoncristiani, J.-F., Guiraud, M., Vennin, E., Desaubliaux, G., and Portier, E., 2013, Subglacial to proglacial depositional environments in an Ordovician glacial tunnel valley, Alnif, Morocco: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 370, p. 127-144.

6. Brayard, A., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Stephen, D. A., Olivier, N., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., and Vennin, E., 2013, Smithian ammonoid faunas from Utah: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy, correlation and basinal paleogeography: Swiss Journal of Paleontology, v. 132, no. 2, p. 141.

7. Hofmann, R., Hautmann, M., Brayard, A., Nuetzel, A., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., and Bucher, H., 2014, Recovery of benthic marine communities from the end-Permian mass extinction at the low latitudes of eastern Panthalassa: Palaeontology, v. 57, no. 3, p. 547-589.

8. Olivier, N., Brayard, A., Fara, E., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Vennin, E., Stephen, D. A., and Escarguel, G., 2014, Smithian shoreline migrations and depositional settings in Timpoweap Canyon (Early Triassic, Utah, USA): Geological Magazine, v. 151, no. 5, p. 938-955.

9. Pohl, A., Donnadieu, Y., Le Hir, G., Buoncristiani, J. F., and Vennin, E., 2014, Effect of the Ordovician paleogeography on the (in)stability of the climate: Climate of the Past, v. 10, no. 6, p. 2053-2066.

10. Jimenez-Sanchez, A., Vennin, E., and Villas, E., 2015, Trepostomate bryozoans from the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Morocco; gigantism in high latitude Gondwana platforms: Journal of Paleontology, v. 89, no. 2, p. 195-221.

11. Jimenez-Sanchez, A., Villas, E., and Vennin, E., 2015, New trepostomate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician of Morocco and the temperature influence on zooid size: Journal of Paleontology, v. 89, no. 3, p. 385-404.

12. Olivier, N., Brayard, A., Vennin, E., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Caravaca, G., and Stephen, D. A., 2015, Evolution of depositional settings in the Torrey area during the Smithian (Early Triassic, Utah, USA) and their significance for the biotic recovery: Geological Journal.

13. Ravier, E., Guiraud, M., Guillien, A., Vennin, E., Buoncristiani, J.-F., and Portier, E., 2015, Research paper: Micro- to macro-scale internal structures, diagenesis and petrophysical evolution of injectite networks in the Vocontian Basin (France): Implications for fluid flow: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 64, p. 125-151.

14. Kolodka, C., Vennin, E., Bourillot, R., Granjeon, D., and Desaubliaux, G., 2015, Stratigraphic modelling of platform architecture and carbonate production: a Messinian case study (Sorbas Basin, SE Spain): Basin Research.

15. Brayard, A., Meier, M., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Nuetzel, A., Olivier, N., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Stephen, D. A., Hautmann, M., Vennin, E., and Bucher, H., 2015, Early Triassic ‘Gulliver’ gastropods; spatio-temporal distribution and significance for biotic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 146, p. 31-64.

16. Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Brayard, A., Bour, I., Thomazo, C., Escarguel, G., Fara, E., Bylund, K. G., Jenks, J. F., Stephen, D. A., Hofmann, R., and Pufahl, P., 2015, Microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction; a diverging case from the Mineral Mountains (Utah, USA): Sedimentology, v. 62, no. 3, p. 753-792.

17. Vennin, E., Kolodka, C., Asghari, A., Thomazo, C., Buoncristiani, J. F., Goodarzi, H., and Desaubliaux, G., 2015, Research paper: Discussion on Palaeozoic discontinuities in the Kuh-e Surmeh area (Zagros, Iran): Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 66, no. Part 4, p. 1073-1092.

18. Thomazo, C., Vennin, E., Brayard, A., Bour, I., Mathieu, O., Elmeknassi, S., Olivier, N., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K., and Jenks, J., 2016, A diagenetic control on the Early Triassic Smithian–Spathian carbon isotopic excursions recorded in the marine settings of the Thaynes Group (Utah, USA): Geobiology.

19. Carlut, J., Isambert, A., Bouquerel, H., Pecoits, E., Philippot, P., Vennin, E., Ader, M., Thomazo, C., Buoncristiani, J.-F., and Baton, F., 2015, Low temperature magnetic properties of the Late Archean Boolgeeda iron formation (Hamersley Group, Western Australia): environmental implications: Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 3, p. 18.

20. Bouton, A., Vennin, E., Pace, A., Bourillot, R., Dupraz, C., Thomazo, C., Brayard, A., Désaubliaux, G., and Visscher, P. T., 2015, External controls on the distribution, fabrics and mineralization of modern microbial mats in a coastal hypersaline lagoon, Cayo Coco (Cuba): Sedimentology.

21. Bonin, A., Pucéat, E., Vennin, E., Mattioli, E., Aurell, M., Joachimski, M., Barbarin, N., and Laffont, R., 2016, Cool episode and platform demise in the Early Aptian: New insights on the links between climate and carbonate production: Paleoceanography, v. 31, no. 1, p. 66.

22. Ndongo, A., Guiraud, M., Vennin, E., Mbina Mounguegui, M., Buoncristiani, J.F., Thomazo, C., Flotté, N., Accepted, Surficial fluid-pressure deformation structures in the Paleoproterozoic extensional Franceville Basin (SE Gabon): Precambriam Research

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