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Julien Talon PhD thesis

Paleoweathering during Eocene times and consequences for geological and environmental applications in the Paris Basin (PALEOGEN)

Started in november 2021

Funding: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté district, Mons University (Belgium), French geological survey

Supervisor: Pierre Pellenard (UBFC) ; cosupervisors: Jean-Marc Baele (Mons University, Belgium) & Florence Quesnel (French geological survey)



To understand both the filling and dynamics of sedimentary basins, the study of past climates is essential. Indeed, climatic conditions play a key role on the nature (facies, mineralogy) and repartition (3D geometry, temporal evolution, discontinuities) of sedimentary deposits. Thus, the study of paleoclimates is of importance in terms of economics and environmental concerns. Along with tectonics and eustasy, climatics processes are the primary drivers of weathering, transport and depositional mechanisms in sedimentary basins. Understand these latter mechanisms (source-to-sink approach) is mandatory to understand geometries and petrological-petrophysical properties within a basin. This approach uses now a precise understanding of sedimentary successions, which implies high-resolution studies and a well-constrained stratigraphic framework. During this PhD, we aim to track down the fluctuations of humidity and aridity conditions within the Paris Basin during the Eocene (-56 My to -34 My). Moreover, we will try to understand the impacts of paleoweathering on the nature and heterogeneity of sediments, via the study of the paleoprecipitations.



Past extrem climatic events, clay minerals, palaeoenvironments, Paris Basin, Eocene


Thesis advisory panel

Benjamin Brigaud, Paris-Saclay university
Nathalie Fagel, Liège university (Belgium)

novembre 2021

Paleoweathering during Eocene times and consequences for geological and environmental applications in the Paris Basin (PALEOGEN)

Started in november 2021

Funding: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté district, Mons University (Belgium), French geological survey

Supervisor: Pierre Pellenard (UBFC) ; cosupervisors: Jean-Marc Baele (Mons University, Belgium) & Florence Quesnel (French geological survey)



To understand both the filling and dynamics of sedimentary basins, the study of past climates is essential. Indeed, climatic conditions play a key role on the nature (facies, mineralogy) and repartition (3D geometry, temporal evolution, discontinuities) of sedimentary deposits. Thus, the study of paleoclimates is of importance in terms of economics and environmental concerns. Along with tectonics and eustasy, climatics processes are the primary drivers of weathering, transport and depositional mechanisms in sedimentary basins. Understand these latter mechanisms (source-to-sink approach) is mandatory to understand geometries and petrological-petrophysical properties within a basin. This approach uses now a precise understanding of sedimentary successions, which implies high-resolution studies and a well-constrained stratigraphic framework. During this PhD, we aim to track down the fluctuations of humidity and aridity conditions within the Paris Basin during the Eocene (-56 My to -34 My). Moreover, we will try to understand the impacts of paleoweathering on the nature and heterogeneity of sediments, via the study of the paleoprecipitations.



Past extrem climatic events, clay minerals, palaeoenvironments, Paris Basin, Eocene


Thesis advisory panel

Benjamin Brigaud, Paris-Saclay university
Nathalie Fagel, Liège university (Belgium)

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