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Cézilly Frank

prof uB HDR
Équipe éco évo
Bureau : 311 B, 3e étage, aile nord
Téléphone : 90 29

Professeur à l’université de Bourgogne

équipe écologie évolutive

Laboratoire Biogeosciences

CNRS, UMR 5561

Université de Bourgogne

6, Blvd Gabriel,

21000 Dijon, France



de male en pere v 


Available in bookstores on February 20



De mâle en père

Frank Cézilly

14 x 20,5 cm, 272 p.

19 €

Eds Buchet-Castel, 2014

ISBN 978-2-283-02598-7


Conférence à l’Espace des Sciences à Rennes le 25/02/2014, podcast disponible sur youtube.


Research interests

My main research interests are in the study of host-parasite interactions, sexual selection and mating systems, and bird population biology.

1)    Host-parasite interactions

This part of my research is divided in two themes:

– Analysing the proximate causes and adaptive consequences of the influence of parasites with complex life cycles on the behaviour and physiology of their hosts: I am particularly combining ecological and physiological approaches to provide a critical assessment of the ‘host-manipulation’ hypothesis.

zenaida mesure v– Assessing the causes and consequences of variation in the prevalence and intensity of infection with blood parasites in two tropical bird species, the Zenaida dove, Zenaida aurita, and the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, Loxigilla noctis.

2) Sexual selection and mating systems

At the moment, I am concerned with two main research questions:

– Analyzing the patterns of mating and re-mating in a tropical and monogamous bird species, the Zenaida dove, in relation with phenotypic and genetic individual quality.

– Understanding the evolution of sexual dichromatism within the genus Loxigilla.

3) Bird population biology

This part of my research is about the relative influence of genetic and phenotypic individual quality on life-history traits such as adult survival, recruitment, and breeding success in both the Zenaida dove and the Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus (in cooperation with the Tour du Valat research center).



You can download here the exhaustive list.

last update: february 2014

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