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Perrot-Minnot Marie-Jeanne

Équipe éco évo
Bureau : 323, 3e étage, aile nord
Téléphone : 63 40
E-mail : Marie-Jeanne.Perrot@u-bourgogne.fr

Senior lecturer in Evolutionary Ecology

Équipe écologie évolutive

UMR CNRS/uB 6282 Biogéosciences

Université de Bourgogne

6 bd Gabriel

21000 Dijon, France


Academic background


  • HDR, Université de Bourgogne, 2007
  • PhD in Agronomical Sciences and Evolution, ENSAM – 1993
  • DEA (MSc) in Evolutionary Ecology, ENSAM/Université Montpellier II – 1990
  • Graduate studies in Agronomical Sciences, Crop Protection (Ingeneer), Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique, Montpellier (ENSAM) – 1987.


Research interests


My main current interest is in the evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions, more specifically in parasitic manipulation. The model organisms are acanthocephalan parasites, infecting freshwater crustacean intermediate hosts and fish or bird final hosts.

I am addressing the evolutionary significance of parasite-induced behavioural alterations with a specific emphasis on changes in anti-predator defenses (such as odour-evoked escape responses, choice of microhabitat). This also implies a better understanding of how protective behaviours develop and are mopdulated in response to environmental factors (fear, anxiety) .

More recently, I have started exploring the mechanistic basis of parasite manipulation, by focusing on candidate neuromodulatory pathways.

The study of parasite-induced alterations is now addressing the existence of a behavioural syndrome in infected manipulated hosts. Ultimately, this more integrated approach should improve our understanding of the evolution of parasite manipulation and of complex life cycle.


Teaching and Administration


  • Courses in Evolutionary Biology
  • Introduction to evolutionary parasitology
  • Behavioral Ecology


Previous positions and research projects


1995- 1999 : Assistant Professor, laboratoire Ecologie Animale et Zoologie agricole, INRA – Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique, Montpellier (France)

  • Haplo-diploidy in arrhenotokous tetranychid mites and Wolbachia infection
  • Pseudo-arrhenotoky in phytoseiid mites.

1994-1995 : Post-doctoral position, Pr J.H. Werren’s lab., University of Rochester (USA), Lavoisier grant (french Ministry of foreign affairs)

  • Research on Wolbachia infection and how bacteria density and strains affect cytoplasmic incompatibility in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis.




Publications on parasitic manipulation


Musset, O. Balourdet, A., Perrot-Minnot, M. J. 2023. Laser-based killing of a macroparasite inside its live invertebrate host. Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-Borne Diseases, 4, 100135.


Perrot-Minnot, M. J., Cozzarolo,C. S.,Amin, O.,Barčák, D., Bauer,A., Filipović Marijić, V.,GarcíaVarela, M., HernándezOrts, J. S., Le,T. T. Y., Nachev,M., Orosová,M., Rigaud,T., Šariri,S., Wattier,R., Reyda, F., Sures, B. 2023. Hooking the scientific community on thornyheaded worms: Interesting and exciting facts, knowledge gaps and perspectives for research directions on Acanthocephala. Parasite, 30: 23.


Cozzarolo, C.-S., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2022. Infection with an acanthocephalan helminth reduces anxiety-like behaviour in crustacean host. Scientific Reports, 12, 21649.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Balourdet, A., Musset, O. 2021. Optimization of anesthetic procedure in crustaceans: evidence for sedative and analgesic-like effect of MS-222 using a semi-automated device for exposure to noxious stimulus. Aquatic Toxicology, 240, pp.105981.


Fayard, M., Dechaume-Moncharmont, F.-X., Wattier, R. Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2020. Magnitude and direction of parasite-induced phenotypic alterations: a meta-analysis in acanthocephalans. Biological Reviews, 95, 1233-1251.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Bollache, L., Lagrue, C. 2019. Distribution of Pomphorhynchus laevis s.l. (Acanthocephala) among fish species at a local scale: importance of fish biomass density. Journal of Helminthology, 94: e99.


Fayard, M., Cézilly, F. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2019. Inter-population variation in the intensity of host manipulation by the fish acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus tereticollis: are the differences driven by predation risk? Parasitology, 146, 1296-1304.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Guyonnet, E., Bollache, L., Lagrue, C. 2019. Differential patterns of definitive host use by two fish acanthocephalans occurring in sympatry: Pomphorhynchus laevis and Pomphorhynchus tereticollis. International Journal for Parasitology, Parasites and Wildlife, 8, 135–144.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Špakulová, M., Wattier, R., Kotlík, P., Düşen, S., Aydoğdu, A. and Tougard, C. 2018. Contrasting phylogeography of two Western Palaearctic fish parasites despite similar life cycles. The Journal of Biogeography, 45: 101-115.


David, G. M., Staentzel, C., Schlumberger, O., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Beisel, J.-N., Hardion, L. 2018. A minimalist macroparasite diversity in the round goby of the Upper Rhine reduced to an exotic Acanthocephalan lineage. Parasitology, 145, 1020-1026.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Banchetry, L. & Cézilly, F. 2017. Anxiety-like behaviour increases safety from fish predation in an amphipod crustacea. Royal Society Open Science, 4(12): 171558.


Parrot, S., Pavón Vergés M., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Deneroy, L. 2017. External influences on Invertebrate brain histamine and related compounds via an automated derivatization method for capillary electrophoresis. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 20: 1839-1846.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. Maddaleno, M. & Cézilly, F. 2016. Parasite-induced inversion of geotaxis in a freshwater amphipod: a role for anaerobic metabolism?. Functional Ecology, 30: 780–788.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J, Sanchez-Thirion, K. & Cézilly, F. 2014. Multidimensionality in host manipulation mimicked by serotonin injection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, Biological Sciences, 20141915.


David, M., Salignon, M. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2014. Shaping the antipredator strategy: flexibility, consistency, and behavioral correlations under varying predation threat. Behavioral Ecology, 25: 1148-1156.


Cézilly, F., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Rigaud, T. 2014. Cooperation and conflict in host manipulation by parasites. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 248.


Dianne, L., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Bauer, A., Guvenatam, A. & Rigaud, T. 2014. Parasite-induced alteration of plastic response to predation threat: increased refuge use but lower food intake in Gammarus pulex infected with the acanothocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis. International Journal for Parasitology, 44: 211-216.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., 2013. Parasites as puppet masters: an unnecessary evolutionary excursion or a framework with real explanatory power? TREE (book review), 28: 195-196.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Dion, E. & Cézilly, F. 2013. Modulatory effects of the serotonergic and histaminergic systems on reaction to light in the crustacean Gammarus pulex. Neuropharmacology, 75: 31-37


Cézilly, F., Favrat, A. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2013. Multidimensionality in parasite-induced phenotypic alterations: ultimate versus proximate aspects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 27–35.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2013. Investigating candidate neuromodulatory systems underlying parasitic manipulation: concepts, limitations and prospects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 134-141.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Maddaleno, M., Balourdet, A. & Cézilly, F. 2012. Host manipulation revisited: no evidence for a causal link between altered photophobia and increased trophic transmission of amphipods infected with acanthocephalans. Functional Ecology, 26: 1007-1014.


Špakulová M., Perrot-Minnot M.-J. & Neuhaus B. 2011. Resurrection of Pomphorhynchus tereticollis (Rudolphi, 1809) (Acanthocephala: Pomphorhynchidae) based on new morphological and molecular data. Helminthologia, 48: 268–277.


Médoc, V., Rigaud, T., Motreuil, S., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Bollache, L. 2011. Paratenic hosts as regular transmission route in the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis: potential implications for food webs. Naturwissenschaften, 98:825–835.


Dianne, L., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Bauer, A, Gaillard, M. Léger, E. & Rigaud, T. 2011. Protection first then facilitation: a manipulative parasite modulates the vulnerability to predation of its intermediate host according to its own developmental stage. Evolution, 65: 2692-2698.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Gaillard, M., Dodet, R. & Cézilly, F. 2011. Interspecific differences in carotenoid content and sensitivity to UVB radiation in three Acanthocephalan parasites exploiting a common intermediate host. International Journal for Parasitology, 41: 173-181.


Dianne, L., Rigaud, T., Léger, E. Motreuil, S., Bauer, A. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2011. Intraspecific conflict over host manipulation between different larval stages of an acanthocephalan parasite. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23: 2648-2655.


Rigaud, T., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Brown, M. J. F. 2010.Parasite and host assemblages: embracing the reality will improve our knowledge of parasite transmission and virulence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277: 3693-3702.


Cézilly, F. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2010. Interpreting multidimensionality in parasite-induced phenotypic alterations: panselectionism versus parsimony. Oikos, 119: 1224-1229.


Cézilly, F., Thomas, F. Médoc, V. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2010. Host-manipulation by parasites with complex life cycles: adaptive or not? Trends in Parasitology, 26: 311-317.


Sanchez, M.I., Thomas, F., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Biron, D.G., Bertrand-Michel, J. & Misse, D. 2009. Neurological and physiological disorders in Artemia harboring manipulative cestodes. Journal of Parasitology, 95: 20-24.


Kaldonski, N., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Dodet, R., Martinaud, G. & Cézilly, F. 2009. Carotenoid-based colour of acanthocephalan cystacanths plays no role in host manipulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276 : 169-176.


Kaldonski, N., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Motreuil, S. & Cézilly, F. 2008. Infection with acanthocephalans increases the vulnerability of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) to non-host invertebrate predators. Parasitology, 135: 627-632.


Lagrue, C., Kaldonski, N., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Motreuil, S. & Bollache, L. 2007. Altered drift behavior and increased vulnerability to predation in intermediate hosts infected by an acanthocephalan parasite: field evidence for adaptive manipulation. Ecology, 88: 2839-2847.


Kaldonski, N., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2007. on anti-predator behaviour of their intermediate host. Animal Behaviour, 74: 1311Differential influence of two acanthocephalan parasites-1317.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Kaldonski, N. & Cézilly, F. 2007. Susceptibility to predation and anti-predator behaviour in an acanthocephalan-infected amphipod: a test for the manipulation hypothesis. International Journal for Parasitology, 37: 645-651.


Tain, L., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., & Cézilly, F. 2007. Differential influence of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) on brain serotonergic activity in two congeneric host species. Biology Letters, 3: 68-71.


Tain, L., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., & Cézilly, F. 2006. Altered host behaviour and brain serotonergic activity caused by acanthocephalans: evidence for specificity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273: 3039-3045.


Ponton, F., Lefevre, T., Lebarbenchon, C., Thomas, F., Loxdale, H., Marche, Renault, L., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Biron, D. 2006. Behavioural manipulation in gammarids harbouring trematodes and acanthocephalans: a comparative study of the proximate factors using proteomics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273:2869-2877.


Bauer, A., Haine, E. H., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., & Rigaud, T. 2005. Polymorphus minutus (Acanthocephala) alters the geotactic and clonging behaviours of two intermediate hosts: Gammarus pulex (native host) and Gammarus roeseli (invasive host). Journal of Zoology, 267: 39-43.


Cézilly, F., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2005. Studying adaptive changes in the behaviour of infected hosts: A long and winding road. Behavioural Processes, 68: 223-228.


Gaillard, M., Juillet, C., Cézilly, F., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., 2004. Comparative study of carotenoid content of two freshwater amphipod species (Gammarus pulex and G. roeseli) and their common Acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, serie B, 129: 129-136.

Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2004. Larval morphology, genetic divergence, and contrasting levels of host manipulation between forms of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala). International Journal for Parasitology, 34 :45-54.

Publications on Wolbachia


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Cheval, B., Migeon, A. & Navajas, M. 2002. Contrasting effects of Wolbachia on cytoplasmic incompatibility and fecundity in the haplodiploid mite Tetranychus urticae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 15: 808-817.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Werren, J. H. 2001. Meiotic and mitotic instability of two EMS-produced centric fragments in the haplodiploid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Heredity, 87: 8-16.

Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Werren, J. H. 1999. Wolbachia infection and incompatibility dynamics in experimental selection lines. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 12: 272-282.

Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Norton, R. A. 1997. Obligate thelytoky in oribatid mites: no evidence for Wolbachia-inducement. The Canadian Entomologist, 129 : 691-698.

Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Guo, L. R. & Werren, J. H. 1996. Single and double infections with Wolbachia in the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis: effects on compatibility. Genetics,143: 961-72.

Publications on mites’ reproductive system


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Migeon, A. & Navajas, M. 2004. Intergenomic interactions affect female reproduction: evidence from introgression and inbreeding depression in a haplodiploid mite. Heredity, 93: 551-558.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Lagnel, J., Migeon, A. & Navajas, M. 2000b. Tracking paternal genes with DALP markers in a pseudoarrhenotokous reproductive system: biparental transmission but haplodiploid like inheritance in the mite Neoseiulus californicus. Heredity, 84: 702-709.

Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Lagnel, J., Desmarais, E. & Navajas, M. 2000a. Isolation and characterization by direct amplification of length polymorphisms (DALP) of codominant genetic markers with mendelian inheritance in Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology, 24: 795-803.


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Navajas, M. 1995. Biparental inheritance of RAPD markers in males of the pseudo-arrhenotokous mite Typhlodromus pyri. Genome, 38: 838-844.



Voordouw, M. J., Stebbins, G ., Robinson, H. E., Perrot-Minnot M.-J., Rigaud, T., & Anholt, B. R. 2008. Genetic variation in the primary sex ratio in populations of the intertidal copepod, Tigriopus californicus, is widespread on Vancouver Island. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 1007-1023.


Wattier, R., Beguet, J., Gaillard, M., Müller, J. C., Bollache, L. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2006. Molecular markers for systematic identification and population genetics of the invasive Ponto-Caspian freshwater gammarid Dikerogammarus villosus (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Molecular Ecology Notes, 6: 487–489.


Haine, E.H., Brondani, E., Hume, K. D., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Gaillard, M. & Rigaud, T., 2004. Coexistence of three microsporidia parasites in populations of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli : Evidence for vertical transmission and positive effect on reproduction. International Journal of Parasitology, 34: 1137-1146.


Devin, S., Bollache, L., Beisel, J.-N., Moreteau, J.-C. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2005. Pigmentation polymorphism in the invasive amphipod species Dikerogammarus villosus: some insights into its maintenance. Journal of Zoology, 264: 391-397.


Navajas, M., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Lagnel ,J., Migeon, A., Bourse, T. & Cornuet, J.-M. 2002. Genetic structure of a greenhouse population of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae: spatio-temporal analysis with microsatellite markers. Insect Molecular Biology, 11: 157-165.


Navajas, M., Tsagkarakov, A., Lagnel, J. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 2000. Genetic differentiation in Tetranychus urticae (Acari : Tetranychidae): polymorphism, host races or sibling species ? Experimental and Applied Acarology, 24: 365-376.


Werren, J. H. & Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. 1999. An antennapedia-like mutation in Nasonia vitripennis .Journal of Heredity, 90: 319-320.


Westphal, E., Perrot-Minnot, M.-J., Kreiter, S. & Guttierez, J. 1992. Hypersensitive reaction of Solanum dulcamara to the gall mite Aceria cladophtirus causes an increased susceptibility to Tetranychus urticae. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 15: 15-26

Book Chapters


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2010. Mechanisms of parasite-induced behavioral changes. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior Breed, M. D. & Moore, J., eds. In Disease, Moore, J., section editor. Academic Press, Oxford (online encyclopedia).


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2010. Parasite infection and host’s behaviour. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience Koob, G., Le Moal, M. & Thompson, R., eds. In Ethology and neuroethology, Thierry, B., section editor. Academic Press, Oxford (online encyclopedia).


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2009. Parasites and Behaviour. In Ecology and Evolution of Parasitism (Eds. F. Thomas, J.-F. Guégan, F. Renaud). Oxford University Press, Oxford (revised and translated version of the chapter below).


Perrot-Minnot, M.-J. & Cézilly, F. 2007. Parasites et comportement. In Écologie et évolution des systèmes parasités (Ed. F. Thomas, J.-F. Guégan, F. Renaud). Dunod, Paris.

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