séminaire – mardi 7 janvier 2020
Variation in senescence patterns and environmental influences
Vérane Berger, université de Turku (Finlande), département de Biologie
mardi 7 janvier 2020, à 11 heures, salle du conseil Biogéosciences
Senescence is a common but not homogenous phenomenon across the tree of life, varying across species, population, individuals and traits. Identifying and understanding factors that modulate senescence patterns still remain a challenge to evolutionary biologists. My research aims to (i) describe age-related patterns from the molecular level up to life-history traits, and (ii) understand the influence of environmental factors experienced early in life and during adulthood in shaping life-history traits throughout life. More recently, I have extended my research to ecophysiology as I am also interested in how differences in age and ecological factors (e.g. seasonality, parasite load) affect variation in health parameters (e.g. immune, hepatic, muscle and kidney functions). I conduct this work on extensive longitudinal records of wild alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), semi-captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and pre-industrial Finnish populations. The results found on these species confirm the high variability of senescence patterns and the crucial importance of maternal and grandmaternal effects as well as the early-life social conditions in shaping senescence and more largely, life history traits.
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Variation in senescence patterns and environmental influences
Vérane Berger, université de Turku (Finlande), département de Biologie
mardi 7 janvier 2020, à 11 heures, salle du conseil Biogéosciences
Senescence is a common but not homogenous phenomenon across the tree of life, varying across species, population, individuals and traits. Identifying and understanding factors that modulate senescence patterns still remain a challenge to evolutionary biologists. My research aims to (i) describe age-related patterns from the molecular level up to life-history traits, and (ii) understand the influence of environmental factors experienced early in life and during adulthood in shaping life-history traits throughout life. More recently, I have extended my research to ecophysiology as I am also interested in how differences in age and ecological factors (e.g. seasonality, parasite load) affect variation in health parameters (e.g. immune, hepatic, muscle and kidney functions). I conduct this work on extensive longitudinal records of wild alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), semi-captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and pre-industrial Finnish populations. The results found on these species confirm the high variability of senescence patterns and the crucial importance of maternal and grandmaternal effects as well as the early-life social conditions in shaping senescence and more largely, life history traits.
- titre:
- Variation in senescence patterns and environmental influences
- intervenant:
- Vérane Berger
- date:
- mardi 7 janvier 2020